
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Understanding the Benefits of Wireless Charging Technology

Whether you're at home, on the go, or at the airport, everyone has experienced that feeling of sitting awkwardly on the floor, tethered to a wall outlet while waiting for your mobile device to charge. It's a helpless feeling, and with the wealth of technology already within our reach, it's an outdated practice which no one should have to endure.

With so much important information sitting in our pockets and on our wrists, it's ridiculous that our devices have such limited battery life and our options for charging those devices on the go are so limited. As the IoT (Internet of Things) revolution comes to fruition, wireless charging is shifting from a luxury to a necessity. Modern devices revolve around user mobility, so our charging solutions should too. Wireless charging will give us freedom to no longer worry about carrying around charging cables and hoping that our devices will keep running until we reach the next power outlet.

In addition, wireless charging will make a huge difference for medical patients with technological devices embedded in their bodies. Currently, patients with implanted devices have to endure frequent and invasive surgeries since their devices have short battery lifespans. Wireless charging will allow medical patients to charge their devices without surgery, improving the patients' wellbeing and also saving them time and money.

Wireless charging capabilities also need to be built into the infrastructure of cities. Imagine if every workplace, school, and coffee house had wireless charging; finally you would be able to ditch power cords and use your devices without worrying about the batteries dying. IoT and wireless charging will make a huge impact on a variety of industries.

Today's electric cars or many other vehicles charge by the charging pads. It does not require any diesel or petrol, which can greatly help in making the environment clean and pollution-free. In the future, you do not have to stop or park your car to charge it. In England, lanes on the road sends electrical charges to electric-powered cars, which means it won't run out of battery. This can be a huge technological breakthrough should other countries implement the same.

Clearly, there's a lot of promising technology here, but there's still one big question to be asked of wireless technology: why should consumers choose it over the convenience of a bedside USB cable? Honestly, it's a tough one to answer, but ease of use and ubiquitous gadget support and charging stations will probably be required.

Despite being around for a number of years already, wireless charging still hasn't become critically important technology in the gadget market. Perhaps some of the improvements and new product ideas that are in development will push wireless charging into the mainstream.

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